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About the Recovery Court

Recovery Court Team

Judge: Andre R. Borrello
Prosecuting Attorney: John McColgan
Coordinator: Susan Smith
Case Manager: Vern Brenner
Defense Counsel: Gena Amos
Treatment Supervisor [Great Lakes Bay Health]: Sarah Marquez, LMSW,CAADC,ADS
1016 Recovery Network: Bethany Ureche
Probation Agent : Toni Narvais-Cooklin
Compliance Monitor: Tracy Goetgeluck
Domestic Violence/Trauma Services [URR]: Linda Gleesing
Sergeant/Sheriff Representative [SCSD]: Sgt. Heather Beyerlein
SUD Therapist: Heidi Dijak
SUD Case Manager: Paul Burns

Saginaw County 10th Circuit Recovery Court

In October 2012 the Saginaw County Recovery Court (SRC) became operational. Funding for the program comes from both state and federal sources through the State Court Administrator’s Office which in turn, monitors the AFRTC for compliance with established principles and statutory requirements (see MCL 600.1060 et seq).

Problem Solving Courts are designed to be non-adversarial and use a team approach to address underlying substance use, mental health and untreated trauma issues. Evidence-based practices are employed as a sentencing alternative that provides life-saving treatment to people living with serious addiction and mental health conditions. Judge Andre Borrello preside at the weekly pre-court staffing and review hearings. In addition, there is a full time Defense Attorney, 2 full time Case Managers and a part time Compliance Monitor. Representatives of various agencies make-up the remainder of our Recovery Treatment Court Team: Michigan Department of Corrections, Saginaw County Sheriff’s Office, Saginaw County Prosecutor’s Office, Great Lakes Bay Health, 1016 Recovery Network, and the Underground Railroad. Specialized training to run the program has been provided to our team members by the National Drug Court Institute and the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals.

A defendant who participates in our Recovery Court will be required to serve a term of probation with intensive supervision for approximately 18-24 months – often including residential SUD treatment for 90 to 180 days or more. Participants must meet specific requirements as they move through a number of phases. Requirements include individual and group counselling, curfew times, community service, weekly attendance at self-help meetings, e.g. Narcotics Anonymous and regular contact with a Case Manager, as well as frequent and random testing for drugs and alcohol often during random home visits night or day. Sometimes electronic monitoring in the form of a tether or alcohol monitoring device is utilized as well. In addition, participants must appear before the Judge at least twice a month in the first three phases of the program.

The number of participants in Saginaw County generally ranges from 20 to 30 defendants. The first graduation celebration was held in 2014. 52 participants have successfully completed the program, graduated and been discharged from probation. The Saginaw Recovery Treatment Court is committed to improving public safety, transforming lives and assisting participants in making long term changes that will enable them to maintain a crime free, sober lifestyle.

For more information about the Recovery Treatment Court for felony offenders in Saginaw County contact Coordinator Sue Smith -